About Our Service
Navigating the disjointed systematic delivery of care through treatment, atop a serious diagnosis, has become increasingly segmented, burdensome and stressful. Rather than being incentivized mostly to deliver treatment and order studies, concierge care provides expertise uniquely incentivized to help clients streamline all processes and to make informed choices without concern for cookie cutter or system dictated protocols. No conflict of interest to interfere with patients’ individualized healing journeys. World class and experienced expertise valuable to engage at any point: from diagnosis and work up, to treatment decision making, treatment delivery choices, surveillance and beyond. Integrative care beyond treatment.

Initial engagement fee based upon complexity of record aggregation, time related to diagnosis that we are engaged and complexity of disease process. This also includes the initial couple of hours dedicated to discussion your individual scenario, illness, desires, and care.
Thereafter there is an hourly rate dedicated to ongoing assistance, record management, research, support, education, advocacy, and guidance.
This service is a concierge service which enhances and individualizes your overall treatment and care by giving you the confidence that all details are attended to, that your treatment teams recommendations are without treatment related incentives, and that the treatments discussed with you are not limited only to what is routinely covered by guidelines based insurance providers. Your situation and journey are specifically related to you and your body. By untethering this service from only what insurance providers will support, you can be confident that there is no stone unturned while efficiently discussing all potentially helpful options. Oftentimes your individual treatment plan may justify the need for care outside of routine treatment paradigms and the ability to justify those needs to the payors in collaboration with your treatment teams offers improved quality, outcomes, and care beyond mere treatment.

Meet Doctor Levitt

Chad Levitt, MD
Radiation Oncologist
A board-certified radiation oncologist and Atlanta-native, Dr. Chad Levitt completed his doctorate and residency at Emory University’s School of Medicine in Atlanta.

Our Mission Is to Provide a Professional & Honest Approach to Health Care